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Our History


Our History 

The first of the Rottweiler club to form in the UK was the Rottweiler Club in 1960. By 1971 there was enough interest in the breed and members to establish another club and this was The British Rottweiler Association .

A handful of people including Judy & Larry Elsden of the famous Chesara kennels got things into action and a committee was soon formed.

Founder members were :
Larry Elsden...... Chairman
Judy Elsden........Assistant Newsletter / Year book editor
Peter Stone......... Newsletter / Yearbook editor
Sybil Harper........ Secretary/ Show manager
Roy Hunter..........Chief Trainer
Dot Skinner..........Assistant Trainer
Bill Forsythe.........Treasurer/ occasional trainer
Also May Baldwin & Lois Hunter who were the tea ladies ,
Ron Harper
Jim Baldwin
Margaret Stone
Rhus Rees
Gladys Ogilvy Shepard
Terry & Christine Giles

These were closely followed by :

Peter & Joyce Radley
Ken Adams
J Dowling
Maud Wait.... President
Brigadier Campbell...... Vice President
Frank Windsor .....Vice President

The club has gone from strength to strength over the years, offering yearly open and championship shows.  Our training classes in agility, obedience and ring craft training every other Sunday at Sandon.

We also run judging courses, seminars and training days. 

Another first for the club , The British Rottweiler Association was the forerunner within Breed Clubs holding a British Sieger event. This proved to be a big success and will hopefully be a regular event.
We are in the process of planning some new exciting events for our members to look forward to. 



©2023 British Rottweiler Association. 
Fish&Fudge Design

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