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lisa Whitmore 


Lisa joined the BRA committee in 2023 having been a serving member many years ago.

It was back in the late 90’s when Lisa visited her first breed show, and from that day she knew that one day she would have a Rottweiler of her own. Our very own Georgina Adams was at the show that day and over the weeks and months a great friendship formed between the two and they attended many shows together.


In 2002 Lisa was lucky enough to welcome Jhava Roberta into heart and home. She was soon welcomed by Jhava After The Storm.


Having owned and shown her Rottweilers in the past, she is still very passionate about the breed and its future. Lisa plans  to own another Rottweiler in the future and once again to enter the breed ring!  


Lisa is a valued member of our team and along with all of our team, she works tirelessly behind the scenes to put on events, shows and maintain the success of the British Rottweiler Association as we move in to the future. 


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