Ross McCarthy
Show Manager
Ross has been on the B.R.A committee since 2019.
He has owned and worked with Rottweilers for many years. In 2022 he qualified a young male for Crufts 2023.
Despite being our show manager and a little dabble in the show ring (and getting roped in to run dogs for others!) his main passion is the working Rottweiler. He has competed with a number of Rottweilers in Kennel Club Working Trials and has titled his dogs in Companion Dog Excellent (CDEx) and Utility Dog Excellent (UDEx) qualifications. He also has various tracking dog achievements through the UK Tracking Dog Association. He enjoys the obedience, tracking and protection elements of dog sports.
As a professional dog trainer, Ross is passionate about obedience training and so all of his dogs have completed their Kennel Club Gold Good Citizen Awards and achieved grade excellent in temperament assessments via The B.R.A, The Rottweiler Club and the Midland Rottweiler Club.
Ross is fortunate that he works with dogs and that his Rottweilers accompany him to work. Often doing anything from school visits educating Children to working in safety education with social workers, delivery workers and housing associations.
He is also often involved in working dog displays and assessments.
Ross is valued member of our team and is not only our Show Manger, but along with all of our committee, he works tirelessly behind the scenes to put on events, shows and maintain the success of the British Rottweiler Association as we move in to the future.
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